Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Make it Stick

Wish your students remembered the lesson longer?  Wonder how to really make a point stick?
I recently read about a book entitled, "Made to Stick," by Chip & Dan Heath.  Here are five principles from their book that help lessons stick.
Simple lessons stick!
Unexpected lessons stick!
Concrete lessons stick!
Credible lessons stick!
Stories stick!
This book would be a great resource for a Teacher Training Time!

1 comment:

Tami Thompson said...

Another proven fact to help students remember lessons is to appeal to their senses. The more senses you involve in the learning process, the longer the knowledge is retained. If the student can see it, hear it, taste it, smell it, and touch it, that student will remember what they've learned for years and years to come. That's why preparing a lesson well is so very important. When a teacher takes time to bring the lesson alive in the classroom, students' lives are changed for eternity.