Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I Love Sunday School Name Tags

Pastor George Cargill (Harvester) recently had every Sunday school member wear a name tag to worship.  The name tag said, "I Love Sunday School - I'm a Member."  Its purpose was twofold.  First, it made Sunday school very visible in morning worship.  Second, Sunday school class members were encouraged to invite anyone without a badge to attend their class the next time it met.  It worked.

Welcome & Purpose

Welcome!  Thank you for logging on to this page.
This place is designed for you, the superintendent.  It is a place to share our hearts and exchange ideas.  It's a place where we can share struggles, and receive encouragement and new ideas.
Here's a few hints:
    Keep it brief.
    Keep it positive.
    Keep coming back.
Thanks for leading Sunday school
Together for His Kingdom
Randy Calhoun