Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Father's Day Idea

After Father's Day service we (Harvester) are going to have a picnic lunch followed by "My Dad is Better Than Your Day" competitions.  Different adult SS classes are going to sponsor different events, and will be introduced at the beginning of each event. 
Our VBS is the week preceding Father's Day.  So Father's Day will have a car theme to match the VBS.  VBS families will be invited to participate in the picnic and games.

The 6 Most Important Hats a Sunday School Superintendent Can Wear

The Six Most Valuable Hats a Sunday School Superintendent Can Wear

HAT #1:         Be a Devoted Discipler of Teachers

1.     Develop genuine relationships with your teachers.


2.     Tend to the spiritual life of your teachers.


3.     Stretch your teachers as leaders.


4.     Change your conversation with your teachers.


Goal: Have one intentional conversation this Sunday.


HAT #2:         Be a Connecting Coach of a Team

1.      Share decision-making


2.     Communicate – again


3.     Develop shared responsibility


4.     Use teachers visibly in the church


5.     Pray together


Goal: Communicate to every teacher something you learned today.


HAT #3:         Be a Passionate Promoter of Sunday School

1.     Promote regularly


2.     Promote visibly


3.     Promote interconnectedly


4.     Promote positively

            Goal: Find a testimony of a changed life in Sunday school and share it with                your church.


HAT #4:         Be an Eagle-Eye Evaluator of the Current Reality

1.     What can numbers tell us?

                           What is your enrollment – attendance gap?

                           What is your worship – Sunday school attendance gap?

                           What direction are you classes going?

                           What groups are you missing?

2.     Beyond the numbers:

                           Are lives being changed? (discipleship)

                           Are people being connected? (assimilation)

                           Are classes following up? (care)

                           Are classes doing ministry? (service)

                           Are classes opened or closed? (growth)


            Goal: Identify a weakness in your Sunday school.


HAT #5             Be a Proactive Planner for Growth

1.     Bridging new people into Sunday school

A.    A path for guests

B.     Special days

C.     Class parties

D.    New classes or groups

E.     Out of the box options


2.     Moving more people into Sunday school leadership

A.    Elevating the importance of Sunday school's role

B.     Praying and approaching

C.     Creating student-teacher positions

D.    Setting new teachers up for success


            Goal: Plan how you will bridge people from Baby Day, Mother's Day, Grad                 Day, Children's Day or Father's Day to a Sunday school class.


HAT #6             Be a Vigilant Protector of Core Values

1.     Protecting our kids and teens

A.    Screen workers

B.     Walk hallways; be watchful

C.     Have protection policies in place


2.     Protecting the family

A.    Keep the connection between parents and kids

B.     Plan cross-generational learning events

C.     Encourage family devotions

D.    Encourage participation by all ages in services

E.     Strengthen marriages and families through classes


3.     Protecting the doctrine of holiness

            Goal: Evaluate how safe the kids in your church are.  Take one step to                         strengthen your protection.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Make it Stick

Wish your students remembered the lesson longer?  Wonder how to really make a point stick?
I recently read about a book entitled, "Made to Stick," by Chip & Dan Heath.  Here are five principles from their book that help lessons stick.
Simple lessons stick!
Unexpected lessons stick!
Concrete lessons stick!
Credible lessons stick!
Stories stick!
This book would be a great resource for a Teacher Training Time!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Why we need Sunday school / small groups

Mr. Whitefield was an influential evangelist and friend John Wesley.  Both were effective evangelists.  But there was a significant difference in the methods.

"It was by this means [the formation of small groups] that we have been enabled to establish permanent holy churches all over the world.  Mr. Wesley saw the need for this from the beginning.  Mr. Whitefield, when he separated from Mr. Wesley, did not follow it.  What was the consequence?  The fruit of Mr. Whitefield's labors died with himself; Mr. Wesley's fruit remains, grows, increases and multiplies exceedingly." (John Wesley's Class Meeting, Model for Making Disciples by Michael Henderson, p.30.)

Both men excelled at what we would call worship and preaching and evangelism.  Only one took seriously the creation and sustaining of small groups.  That made the big difference!

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